Due to the 5DSD I have had a lot of questions about vegetables and fruits this week, so I decided to do some research. I found some great information about which vegetables are higher in sugar and which ones are lower (so any TIU girls, you know which ones to use for your unlimited!)
LiveStrong.com (who host K&K every Tuesday!) has a list of low sugar versus high sugar veggies here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/5376-lowsugar-vegetables/ Most veggies are on the low sugar list, which is good. not surprisingly, potatoes of any kind are on the high sugar list.
They have another post that covers fruits and veggies (with some slightly contradicting information) here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/276234-sugar-in-fruits-vegetables/
Here's a list from a health and nutrition blog: http://blissreturned.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/fruits-and-vegetable-list-of-low-and-high-sugar-fruit-and-vegetable/
There are no "bad" veggies - not even potatoes. What matters is how you prepare them and when you eat them. Even broccoli is bad for you if it's covered in butter and deep fried ;)
I think what it all boils down too is this: if you are reaching for veggies or fruit instead of pizza, you are pretty much OK no matter what! =D It's really only when you are doing a Slim Down type week that you should worry about the types of veggies you are eating when.
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