Weight isn't something I have struggled with my whole life. It's a semi-recent thing for me. Until I was about 23 I was very thin and had an excellent metabolism. Always boasted I could eat anything I wanted and it didn't matter. Assumed that would last forever. I didn't realize how important being active everyday was until I started gaining weight. Also didn't realize how much weight I was gaining until I was pretty overweight.
I had been a server for most of my adult life until I got an office job when I was 22. Looking back now I can see all the things that triggered my weight gain that I didn't notice then. Not being on my feet all day and having my whole schedule turned upside down (I was quite the night owl before) really affected my activity level and eating habits. I was in a bad relationship (though I didn't see it at the time) and that was causing me stress and emotional distress that added to my being unfit. I went from being quite svelte to weighing around 160 lbs in a short time.
That boyfriend and I broke up around the same time my company had a biggest loser contest. That motivated me to get in shape and I lost over 15lbs - but I didn't do it the right way. I was still eating crappy food, just counting calories, and using a diet pill to curb my appetite. I was exercising as well, but most of my weight loss came from basically starving myself. I was at a good weight for a few months, until I got a new job where I work from home. Because I hadn't made a lifestyle change, just dieted, I quickly gained back all the weight I lost. That was 3 years ago. I tricked myself into believing I wasn't as big as I was because I didn't want to accept the fact that I hadn't just gained weight but that I was legitimately overweight. I wore close that were slimming, but every time I saw a picture that was taken of me I could see it. I finally stepped on a scale and saw that I was an unacceptable 172lbs. I decided that day to make a change. That was March 3rd, 2012.
I downloaded a calorie counting app that shows your input and expenditures by listing the calories you burn in exercise. I thought I was eating better, adding in more fruits and eating low-calorie/low-fat items. I was working out almost everyday and I definitely saw some weight loss - about 7 lbs in the first 2 weeks.It was working a little for me, and it might work for you, but making one decision changed my weight loss habits for good: joining Tone It Up (www.toneitup.com)
I had been a "fan" of Tone It Up on facebook for a while because of some of my friends, but had never followed along with any of their workouts. The Self Magazine Drop 10 Challenge started in March and I was surprised to see that the trainers for it were Katrina & Karena from Tone It Up! I decided right then to sign up for the Drop 10 challenge. I didn't follow the menus provided, but I did K&K's workout schedule and could feel myself getting healthier and stronger. Their bikini challenge started in April and I immediately signed up for that. That was when I made the biggest decision - I spent the $150 to become a lifetime member of their nutrition plan. That is what changed everything. Working out is very important, but equally important (if not more so) is eating right. Not only did I notice weight loss after starting the plan, I noticed I felt better, less tired, saw improvements in my skin, hair, and nails, and so much more.
I know this is sounding like an ad for the Tone It Up nutrition plan, but that is not my intent. I simply wanted to express what an amazing life changing membership this has been for me. It taught me the right foods to eat when, how to fuel my body the right way, what not to eat, even how to "cheat" and give myself a treat. The community of women you interact with while on the plan is so incredibly motivating you begin to craving working out and healthy food. It's been 3 months on my weight loss journey, 2 months on the plan, and I am down 25 lbs (even with a couple plateaus when I got caught up in work and didn't follow the exercise and plan as I should have). I owe it all to Tone It Up - their workouts, their plan, their community of women. I highly recommend you all try it out - even if it's just joining the facebook page and doing the workouts (the plan is really what brings it all together though).
On this blog I will talk a lot about K&K and their workouts and inspiration - I will also likely mention the names of recipes from the plan. Out of respect for them however, I will never share recipes from the plan or any of the healthy eating information from the plan. I WILL share my own recipes that are healthy but tasty enough to trick a boyfriend into eating, healthy eating tips I find elsewhere, workouts, and much more. The schedule for posts will likely follow this schedule:
Move It Mondays! ~ I will post a new stretch, exercise, etc that really has me feeling great that week
Tasty Tuesdays ~ I will post a new recipe every Tuesday - stuff I came up with on my own to appease my healthy eating and my boyfriend's taste-buds' like of not-so-healthy food
Willpower Wednesdays ~ A post every week about how I deal with cravings, lack of motivation, eating out situations, and staying inspired on my journey to a healthy lifestyle
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Just random thoughts for the week. Sometimes health related, sometimes movie reviews, other times it'll probably be a lot like "Deep Thoughts With Jack Handy" from the old Saturday Night Live sketches ;)
Fit Fridays ~ a wrap up for the week, my progress, what I have found works and doesn't, my feelings, etc.
I will occasionally post on weekends but not too frequently. Though I stick with working out and eating right on weekends (as should you!) any remaining time I use to relax! =D
Wow I can 100% relate to your story. I've had the tone it up plan for almost a year but it's on been the last couple of weeks that I started taking myself and the plan seriously. I hope I am able to get the same results as you :) so far I'm down 5lbs. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! 5 lbs is an awesome beginning! Every time I notice I'm not getting the results I want, I ask myself "are you really doing everything you could do to get those results?" and I usually realize I missed a workout or two, cheated a few more times than I should have, etc. Then I focus myself on improving the next week. As long as I am better than the day before, I know I a making progress!